Thursday, March 24, 2005

No, I Didn't Get Laid

Sorry if you were betting on me, but I went out, felt tired, and went home to go to sleep. I know, I know, that's totally lame, but what the fuck, sleep is more important to me than sex. Takes less effort :p.

Speaking of sleep and sex, now that my neighbors are gone (they were arrested) I will no longer be woken up 6:00 A.M. Saturdays to the sounds of their lovemaking. The first it was funny, then it just got boring. The worst part was the fact that she was so faking it. It was fucking obvious. I mean the bed is going squeaksqueaksqueaksqueaksqueaksqueaksqueaksqueak and she's going Moan....Moan....Moan....Moan....
Dude, if I thought a girl was faking I'd literally just stop and say "You're faking it, aren't you?" Shit, if you aren't actually enjoying it, let me know, don't fucking lie to me (unless you're saying something like you love big daddies dick, I want you inside me hot stuff). I'm not saying that I'll get you off guarenteed, but I wanna try, and if I can't, then just tell me I'm so hot you'll give it up even without the pleasure. 1. It's true. 2. It'd make me feel like a studmuffin anyway.

I'm working on pictures, no garuntees, but I wanna see my hot body on the computer.

Oh hey, I've met someone.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Happy Birthday to Me. . .

Today's my birthday and I forgot to make any plans. I'm sure I could just go out and get shitfaced (it IS St. Patrick's Day after all), but I don't really like to drink. So I'll guess I'll just go see a movie and then try to score some chicks!! They'll all be drunk!!! Who wants to bet I get laid tonight!!?

Saturday, March 12, 2005


1. I haven't updated in a while so I figured I'd give you all a small taste of the wonder that is me.

2. I've been insanely tired after work. It's physically exhausting, especially since it's begun to get hotter here in San Jose. That's generally why I don't blog as often, I don't have the energy.

3. My birthday is next Thursday, St. Patrick's day. Can I get free beer?

4. JENN AND KATIE ARE BOTH LAZY BITHCES!!!!! But Katie's updated already. She beat you Jenn.

5. Katie, you updated, but you never responded to the insanely long comment I left. I'm hurt, no really, I'm like, in pain and shit. :(

6. Ummmm. . . oh nothing, never mind.

7. I kick ass.