Saturday, March 12, 2005


1. I haven't updated in a while so I figured I'd give you all a small taste of the wonder that is me.

2. I've been insanely tired after work. It's physically exhausting, especially since it's begun to get hotter here in San Jose. That's generally why I don't blog as often, I don't have the energy.

3. My birthday is next Thursday, St. Patrick's day. Can I get free beer?

4. JENN AND KATIE ARE BOTH LAZY BITHCES!!!!! But Katie's updated already. She beat you Jenn.

5. Katie, you updated, but you never responded to the insanely long comment I left. I'm hurt, no really, I'm like, in pain and shit. :(

6. Ummmm. . . oh nothing, never mind.

7. I kick ass.


Blogger Unknown said...

1. A small taste? Tease!

2. Too tired to blog? Leave the lazy dyke-ness to Katie, please.

3. Happy Fucking Birthday! It's early, but I wanted to be the first. And if you were here I'd hook you up with beer!

4. She only did it because she was leaving outta town. I haven't updated because that queer is still blog stalking me. I delete stupid comments from him twice, daily! And you calling lazy bitches, you lazy bastard?!

5. She didn't respond? How fucked up is she!? So you wanna touch my tragis better, now, right? I refuse to be last resort.

6. Don't fucking start to say something, then not finish it, Keegan! Don't you know I hate that?!

7. You do kick ass! Can I kick your ass, too? Please?

2:52 AM  
Blogger Katie said...

I'm sorry it took me so long to comment! I have no excuse, save for the fact that I'm a douche bag. Does that count?

There's no pressure for you to blog, do it when you want.

You lucky bitch, I wish my birthday was on St. Patricks Day, that would be sweetass.

Your comment was great and I'm a whore for never responding to it. I'm terribly sorry from the botoom of my heart. If I let you touch my tragis, will all be forgiven?

Goddamn right you kick ass.

12:13 AM  

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