Thursday, February 10, 2005

Ooohh. . . I'm Special

Yup, everybody online loves me. Even you, who've never heard of me before randomly bumping into this blog, you love me too. I'm just that wonderful.

On a more normal note, I spent two hours steam cleaning my rug today. I rent a room in San Jose (rent is insane here, but my rent is cheap, I only had to give up a kidney and my first-born for the first month). It's a tiny little room, but I'm never home so I don't really care. I'm not what you would call neat or tidy, but I like things clean (translation: The dishes are washed, but they're lying on top of a phone book, on a chair in the middle of the room). So I had been dying to get the stains out of the floor that had been left by the past 3,000 occupant and/or pets of said occupants. Some of those stains simply will not die, but most of them are at least faded. The worst thing was looking at the water that had been sprayed into and sucked out of the floor. To think I've been walking barefoot (I love going barefoot, I'd walk everywhere shoeless if they would just carpet the sidewalk) on that shit gave me the shivers.

Ahh well, I've got to go think of a secret to tell someone. See ya'll.

P.S. I think it's kind of interesting that, according to my poll, so far most of you want to rape me. You perverts.


Blogger Unknown said...

How many stains were caused by you?

Look at all those comments on your last post! You yanked Katie and Bill from me linking you. I think you should bow down. No, really. You should. I'll be waiting.

3:18 PM  
Blogger Bill B. said...

Stop being a showoff Jenn. Anyhow dude whatever you do, never try to re-carpet it on your own. In my old place I attempted to fix a huge paint stain by re-doing it all. I ended up with all these big bumps and crap and I didn't cut it right on the sides so it was really pathetic looking. Apparently you have to have some device to stretch it perfectly.

4:48 PM  
Blogger Katie said...

You are the man Keegan. The most popular guy in the internet! I'm very honored to be commenting in your blog.

I love going barefoot too. That's why I'd like it to get above 40 degrees here. I can't wait for summer

I for one did not vote to rape you. I did vote for something else though. I'll never tell. Happy Valentine's Day!

1:55 AM  
Blogger DyingBurningFighting said...

You already gave it up Katie. You said you wanted to have my babies. Did you forget? You were probably drunk so we'll just pretend it didn't happen since you'll never remember it anyway.


Oh yeah! and if you do have my babies, no feeding them cheetos, my progeny must be spoon-fed mint chocolate chip ice cream. (Your parents can buy some)

8:33 PM  

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