Thursday, January 20, 2005

Forgive Me!!!!!!

I wrote a juvenileish (not a word, but who fucking cares) e-mail to a bud and now I think she's upset with me. I might have hurt her feelings. Now I feel all bad and shit.
I hope I didn't do anything unforgivable.

Come on, I can't help it that I have this crazy desperate need for attention and I like to here peoples voices over seeing words on paper. I'm sorry. You want e-mails, I'll send 'em. I'll change!! You'll see!!!
Forgive me please!!! I can't take it anymore, the suspense. Will she forgive me, will she not, will she forg. . .

HEY!! Wait a minute! Aren't you the one that told me to be myself! Didn't you leave this comment:

i echo jenn, totally. you'll make genuine friends when you are yourself, and not someone you think they want you to be. hah, did that make any sense?? haha.and it's true, whatever you want will always come when you least expect it.

And now You're Punishing me for being myself!!!!

Oh well, Forgive me anyway! You have to cause I'm hot! (at least, that's how I think it works)

(p.s. even though this blog sounds all silly and shit, I'm serious, if I've upset you, I'm sorry)


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