To Qoute a Rich Monkey: "Bring it On!"
And if someone send you an arguement you can't argue against, you just don't tell anyone about it!!! That way you appear to be super intelligent even if you're just a normal guy. (I actually am super intelligent, I just don't want to make you feel insecure in the presence of the god-like intellect that is me *cues angelic choir*)
So if you hate me (though I'd be hard pressed to figure out why you would since I am practically perfect in every way [no I'm not Mary Poppins, why do you ask?]), dislike me, disagree with me, and/or feel like wasting a shitload of time since I don't really care and am not anyone important anyway, Bring it on, bitch!
Haha, you're fabulous! Oh yeah, and I don't like you! Bare with me! Damnit.
I already DO like Tool! Don't be silly.
"I'm just a worthless liar, I'm just an imbecile"
I am, not I'm. Don't yell about it.
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