Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Goddam I'm Sexy!!!!

Check out the pic! Told you I was hot.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

New Link

I've linked my site to The Best Page In The Universe. Need I say more?

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

I Think You're Stupid

Lately my general opinion of people, in general, has been getting lower. It was never really high to begin with, but people are complete morons. I mean, almost every time I hear someone complain, about another person, they always say something completely hypocritical. Assholes always say so-and-so's an asshole, no one uses the word bitch more than a real bitch, and it's always the idiots who sat shit like "she is sooooo stupid."
Is this some strange law of nature? Do we always see in others the worst that lies in our selves. I like to think that I don't, that I'm somehow different, but am I? Then again, it's my willingness to ask myself questions like that, to challenge my own beliefs, to question my own motives, that makes me different. Maybe I'm just foolin myself and I'm just another moron.
The people that irk me most are fools that think they are somehow better than everyone else. Idiots who thinks themselves geniuses, fools that think themselves wise, religious fanatics who think themselves 'saved' because they believed what some other religious fanatic told them.
Maybe I dislike that type of person so much because I fear I am that sort of person myself. Maybe I think that I'm somehow wiser than the rest of you, but am really just more the fool.

Who do you hate most? What does that say about you?

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

T-shirt Ideas 1.1

I never buy t-shirts with slogans on them. It's like buying a fucking lifestyle. So I thinking of starting a line of t-shirts. I'll call it the "Ambercrombie's My Bitch" line of shirts. Possible slogans include:

1. I could kill you with my bare hands and a breadstick!
2. (front) Fuck off Bitch! (back) Have a nice day! :)
3. (front) I'd murder you for a bagel (back) and I hate bagel's.
4. Yes, mine is bigger.
5. (front) Kiss me! (back) I'm an asshole!
6. Real Men couldn't give a fuck about what a fucking t-shirt says real men do.

For Women:
1. I Got Milk! (directly across the chest)
2. Wicked Bitch with a Chest