Tuesday, May 03, 2005

T-shirt Ideas 1.1

I never buy t-shirts with slogans on them. It's like buying a fucking lifestyle. So I thinking of starting a line of t-shirts. I'll call it the "Ambercrombie's My Bitch" line of shirts. Possible slogans include:

1. I could kill you with my bare hands and a breadstick!
2. (front) Fuck off Bitch! (back) Have a nice day! :)
3. (front) I'd murder you for a bagel (back) and I hate bagel's.
4. Yes, mine is bigger.
5. (front) Kiss me! (back) I'm an asshole!
6. Real Men couldn't give a fuck about what a fucking t-shirt says real men do.

For Women:
1. I Got Milk! (directly across the chest)
2. Wicked Bitch with a Chest


Blogger Unknown said...

Haha! You fucking rock! I love those. Where the hell do you get this shit?!

4:02 AM  
Blogger Katie said...

My pet peeve are people who wear shirts that say stupid shit like "the voices in my head are talking to me". One time I saw this girl wearing a camaflaughe shirt that said "Crap it's snowing". Then I say a little boy walking with his mom wearing another camoflague shirt that said "Shh...I'm hiding." It took all the will power I could muster to refrain from ripping the shirt of both of them. Good luck in your business. I'll take two please.

12:51 AM  

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