Wednesday, April 27, 2005

No, I'm Not Dead

Okay, I haven't posted in forever, but I don't have my own computer. And lately it's been kind of annoying to truck my ass all the way to the library just to tell everybody about my day (which would mostly consist of me trucking my ass over to the freaking library anyway). When I get a computer I promise it will all get better.

Updates about me:
1. I have a hot El Salvadoran girlfriend (she's VERY ticklish)
2. I still kick ass
3. I'm still insanely hot
4. I still don't have enough money (by the way, where's my 50 bucks, dammit!)
5. Go see Kung Fu Hustle, it was funny as a blind guy playing with a blender
6. I haven't read anyone's blog in like forever ( I'll get to you)
7. God damn, I kick ass.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

To make a Keegan

3 parts Snuggle-puppy
1 part ice-cold heartless prick
1 pinch of complete asshole
a dash of too smart for own good
a smattering of too stupid to give a fuck2 parts silliness

Pour into a devilishly handsome container and strain out all common sense.

Enjoy! :)